2100 Acres

Farm for sale in New Mexico with BLM Grazing Allotment

504 Braid Rd, Hope, New Mexico 88250 | Eddy County


PENDING SALE:      This farm for sale in New Mexico has everything you dream about with a farming operation.  From irrigated fields to pasture land.  The soil in the Hope, NM farming district was once tested as the best soil in NM for farming. This irrigated farm for sale in New Mexico is known for its high quality Alfalfa with 18% protein content with the average production of 8 tons per acre.  This property also includes a BLM Grazing Allotment, making it the perfect winter grazing opportunity. The family has completed a lot of improvements to the farms over the last decade.  There are 3 homes on the property making it a great family operation or plenty of space for employees.  There are 4 center pivot systems nozzled at 900 and can be run all 4 pivots at the same time as the well produces 3300 gpm. The closest amenities and schools would be in Artesia, NM.   

This is a great opportunity to own a well established farm in New Mexico, expand your current operation, and/or have a livestock operation. The farm is highly productive with the hay sales and has the potential to generate additional income with winter grazing of livestock.   If this farm does not have enough acreage for you, there may be an opportunity to purchase an additional 340 acres with 200 being irrigated acreage within the same area (including equipment).


The property is located in Hope, NM and consists of 2 contiguous farms with water rights.   There is  approximately 2100 acres with 920 acres under a BLM grazing allotment.   There is approximately 684 acres that are irrigated.  There are a total of 4 pivots,  flood irrigation and 1 gated pipe system.   Three acre feet per irrigated acre per annum of water will transfer with these farms. (these water rights are considered some of the oldest in the basin and are senior water rights)  There are three homes, barns, pens, and numerous outbuildings.  Click HERE for map of property. 

“Barley Farm”

Consists of 640 total acres.  Pivot Three is approx. 110 acres and Pivot 4 is 148 acres located on this farm.  There is also 13 acres more or less that is flood irrigated along with an additional 55 acres more or less.   There are 2 residences on this farm, storage buildings,  a new hay barn, and pens.

“Williams Farm”

 Consists of  1472 acres more or less.  920 acres of BLM are located within this boundary.    There are two pivots located on this farm irrigating 230 acres more or less. Pivot One is aprox. 112 acres and Pivot 2 is 123 acres more or less.  West of Pivot One Across Braid Road there is approx. 74 acres that has recently been cultivated planted in soft red winter wheat.  To the east of Pivot Two there is an additional 47 acres that has been planted to a winter wheat crop. 


This farm has harvested some of the highest qualify of Alfalfa.   Triticale and Small Grain crops are also a part of this farming operation.  The county yield for Alfalfa is set around 6 tons to the acre, but in most years these farms can yield as high as 7 or 8.  



This is a great opportunity to be a part of American Agriculture, continue the traditions of the family farm, and carry down to future generations. There is an opportunity here to have a family operation, sharing in the day to day work but having separate homes to go to.   Shown to qualified prospects by appointment. 

For More Information contact United Country New Mexico HomeRanch Realty

For more information please contact Jodie Chism at (575) 361-0494 or via EMAIL

What is My Property Worth?

If you are thinking of selling your property and curious about what the market price is at this time, click HERE to find out!




Property Features

  • Irrigated Farms For Sale in NM
  • Farm for sale in Eddy County
  • Farm for sale in SE NM
  • Farms for sale withwater right
  • Farm for sale grazing land
  • Land for sale with water right
  • Land for sale in NM
  • Large farm for sale in NM
  • Farms for Sale
  • Call Jodie (575) 234-2104

Property Details

Street Address:

  504 Braid Rd




  New Mexico

Postal Code:



  United States



Listing ID:


Map View
